"Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to My knowledge; for it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; let them all be fixed upon your lips, so that your trust may be in the Lord…"
Proverbs 22:17-19a school DatesPARENT ORIENTATION
Friday, September 6th 9:00am-10:15am Fall Semester 2024: September 6th - November 22nd Spring Semester 2025: January 24th- April 11th Spring Break None PARENT ORIENTATION: Friday, September 7th Fall Semester 2025: September 5th-November 21st Spring Semester 2026: January 23rd-April 17th Spring Break 2026: April 3rd |
2024-2025 Course Descriptions Kindergarten/1st Grade (Kathy Anderson) Fall Semester: Gen 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. We will take a look at the unique creation of our bodies that our creator has put together perfectly. Each part has been designed for it's particular function. We will be looking at the respiratory, circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems as well as doing a heart dissection. There will be many other hands on actives. Spring Semester: Gen 1:11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. As spring symbolizes new growth, we will be studying all about seeds and plants. How very creative our God is in all of the different types of vegetation that He created. We will be doing experiments and hands on activates with seeds and plants. 1st/2nd Grade (Gisella Likens) I am excited for our spring semester as we continue to learn all about God's character, His marvelous creation, and why we need Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We will continue this study through the Answers for Kids Bible Curriculum. We will spend time learning about the parts of a story through fairy tales allowing children to use their imaginations as they create their own stories. God gifted children with a natural curiosity and enjoyment for science and animals. We are going to dive into the amazing world of flying creatures created on day 5 of creation week. We will spend time conducting hands-on science experiments and doing art projects along the way that will enhance our understanding of the world around us. 3rd-6th Grade Rotation Science through the Lens of Photography (Diann Holmes) Humans: Perfectly Imperfect Do humans make mistakes? Absolutely! And many times those mistakes lead to something quite incredible! While we humans tend to think of accidents as a bad thing, we will learn that accidents sometimes result in things that may never have been invented at all! Come and learn the stories and science behind accidents that turned out to be amazing discoveries and inventions! Join the fun as we discover how scientists or just regular people made “lemonade out of lemons” from their mishaps such as Velcro, cheese puffs, Coca-Cola, Aspirin, and antibiotics! Lessons will be enhanced by experiments and photography assignments that will solidify the lessons and challenge creativity! Get ready for loads of fun and maybe a field trip and a little bit of inventing! Fitness/Health (Mickey Perkins) Kickstart will be our word to guide us in this next Semester to a path to better health in a way you've never traveled. Kickstart the way you THINK. Let GOD transform you in every way. Each week, we will work on memorizing Romans 12:2 alongside doing a 20-minute workout. Each class will end with a message about food. Kick the old ways of thinking about Fitness, Food, and Faith away. Let's Kickstart our transformation by changing the way we think. Exploring Countries and Cultures (Daina Meek) This spring, we will explore the geography, history, and culture of ten countries from a Biblical perspective. Each class will include hands-on activities, crafts, and virtual field trips. Students will track their travels in a passport book and conclude with games like Geography Bingo and Flag Frenzy. The winner will receive a treat from the studied region. At the semester's end, students will vote on a country to prepare a meal from, culminating in a feast. Our aim is to spark curiosity about the world and deepen understanding of God’s heart for all nations. Farm to Table: Exploring God's Creation Through Farming and Food (Melissa Rihn) This semester, our class will embark on an exciting journey through the fascinating world of farming and food. Together, we’ll explore how farms are the backbone of communities and teach us the importance of stewardship over God’s creation. Each week will focus on a different type of farming such as bees, cattle, dairy, flowers, and many more. With plenty of hands-on activities like making butter, planting seeds, and crafting with beeswax. There will be rich lessons in science, history, language arts, social studies, and faith. By the end of the semester, students will better understand where their food comes from and appreciate the hard work and dedication that go into farming—a vocation deeply tied to God’s plan for creation. |